Giuseppe Santamaria - Naturalization - Australia

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Giuseppe Santamaria’s Australian naturalization certificate dated 22 March 1922.

Giuseppe’s naturalization was predicated on his father having already naturalized in 1904.


Original document in Santamaria Family Historical Collection. Caretaker is Nick Santamaria.


Commonwealth of Australia

Certificate of Naturalization

By virtue of the Nationality Act 1920 of the said Commonwealth and the British Nationality and Status of Aliens Act 1914 and 1918 of the United Kingdom, I, the Governor-General in and over the Commonwealth of Australia, certify that I have received an application supported by a Statutory Declaration from Joseph Santamaria now residing at 219 Sydney Road, Brunswick, Victoria whos description appears in the margin, anf who is a Naturalized British Subject by virtue of a Certificate of Naturalization issued to Bartolo Santamaria under the provisions of the “Naturalization Act, 1903” of the Commonwealth on the 17th August 1904 Certificate No. 1262 and on the faith of the statements appearing in the said application and Statutory Declaration, and having regard to the fact that the application has sworn allegiance to His Majesty King George V., his heirs and successors, I, the said Governor-General, with the advice of The Federal Executive Council, grant to the said Joseph Santamaria this Certificate of Naturalization whereby, subject to the provisions of the above mentioned Acts and any other law affecting the rights of naturalized persons, the said Joseph Santamaria becomes entitled to all Political and other Rights, Powers, and Privileges and become subject to all Obligations, Duties, and Liabilities to which a Natural-born British Subject is entitled or subject and, as from the date of these presents, has to all intents and purposes the status of a Natural-born British Subject.

Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the Commonwealth of Australia at Melbourne the 22nd day of March One thousand nine hundred and twenty two.

By his Excellency’s Command

Personal Description of Grantee.

  • Age: 35 years
  • Height: 5 feet 3 1/2 inches
  • Color of Eyes: Brown
  • Color of Hair: Dark
  • Any special marks of peculiarities: nil

  • Document mentions Giuseppe Santamaria.
  • Is document of type Naturalization.